S4-Ep11: Alakazoo

Summary: The heroes go face to face with a wastrilith before MC Nastly does something that shocks everyone. The villains lock in their plan with Captain Murphey. Still disguised as Tubba, Hesh attends the secret meeting of the S.H.R.I.M.P. Brigade.
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Malphaedor Bromroyo – voiced by Mike Cole
Mc Nastly – voiced by Wes “William” Whitman
Thadeus Trebilcock – voiced by Chris Johnson
Francis the Lion – voiced by Tony Kinney
Ayda – voiced by Jess Owen
Hesh Von Eggars – voiced by Shamas Rodriguez
DM – Nico Rodriguez
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Music Provided in part by Midnight Syndicate. www.MidnightSyndicate.com
Additional music provided by Algal the Bard. www.youtube.com/user/alvariu